Camper Electricity Made Easy: Tips and Tricks for Your DIY Setup

In this guide, we’re tackling a topic that might make some of you break a sweat: camper 12V electricity. But fear not, it’s not as daunting as it seems, and we’re here to guide you in the right direction!

Camper 12V Electricity: Not a Mystery, but Pure Joy

We understand, for some of you, camper electricity might sound like a real challenge. But hey, we can assure you, it’s not as terrifying as it first appears. In fact, we find this topic incredibly enjoyable, and we’re sure you’ll be excited too.

In this guide we’ll show you what to consider with your camper’s 12V electricity and what components you need to power your dream camper with the right energy. From solar panels to batteries and circuits, we’ve got it all covered!

BUUUUT, and this is crucial: an urgent warning!

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to handle electrical power responsibly. If you’re not sure of what you’re doing, you can not only damage your materials or your camper but seriously harm yourself. This is not an exaggeration but a harsh reality.

So, before you dive into the world of 12V electronics, be 100% focused and only do what you are certain of. If you have doubts, consult a professional, and have your electrical concept checked by a qualified person in the end. Safety always comes first!

With this warning in mind, we can get started and show you how to master the electronics in your camper. It’s going to be exciting and, above all, educational! We’re ready to accompany you on your journey to camper electrical freedom.

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

  1. Choosing the Right Wires: We’ll dive into the world of wires, helping you decipher the right wire sizes, types, and insulation for various applications within your camper. No more confusion – just clear, concise guidance.
  2. Selecting the Perfect Battery: Your camper’s heartbeat lies in its battery. We’ll walk you through the different types of batteries, their capacities, and how to choose one that aligns perfectly with your power needs. Say goodbye to energy woes!
  3. Safely Connecting to Consumers: Safety first! Learn how to connect your battery securely to appliances in your camper. We’ll guide you through proper connections, ensuring a seamless flow of power without risks.
  4. Charging with Solar Panels: Embrace the power of the sun! Discover the ins and outs of setting up solar panels to charge your camper’s battery. Harness renewable energy and keep your adventures going.
  5. Accessing Alternating Current: Need AC power on the road? We’ll explore methods to convert your camper’s DC power to AC, enabling you to use regular household appliances without a hitch.

Get ready to embark on this electrifying journey with us. By the end of our guides, you’ll be an expert in camper electricity, ensuring your journeys are always well-lit, powered, and ready for whatever comes your way. Let’s dive into the world of wires, where the foundation of your camper’s electrical system begins.

Why Choosing the Right Wire Size and Special Automotive-Approved Cables is Vital in Your Camper

Camper conversion is an exciting journey full of creativity and possibilities. But when it comes to the electronics in your camper, there are no compromises. Choosing the right wire size and using special FLY or FLRY cables approved for automotive use are crucial. But why?

1. Safety First: Your safety and the safety of your passengers are top priorities. Using non-approved cables or inappropriate wire sizes can lead to hazardous situations. Cable breaks or short circuits can not only affect your electronic devices but also cause serious safety problems.

2. Avoid Solid Copper Cables: During the ride, your camper is exposed to numerous vibrations. Solid copper cables are extremely susceptible to breaks in this environment. This can be not only frustrating but also costly. Therefore, the wires used should consist of multiple small individual copper wires. This makes them more flexible and resistant to your camper’s movements on the road.

3. Protection Against Short Circuits: Non-approved cables can easily cause short circuits, especially if they are inadequately insulated. This can not only damage your electronic devices but also jeopardize your camper’s entire power supply.

Remember, the right choices here ensure not only a functional electrical setup but, most importantly, a safe and secure camper environment for all your adventures. Stay safe and enjoy your camper journey to the fullest!

Choosing the Right Wires for Your Camper: A Simple Guide

When it comes to your camper’s electrical setup, picking the right wires is vital for safety and functionality. Let’s break down the essentials without diving too deep into technical jargon.

Recommended Cables:

  1. FLRY Vehicle Cables up to 6 mm² for Electronic Devices: These cables are perfect for connecting electronic devices in your camper. They’re flexible, sturdy, and designed specifically for automotive use.
  2. FLY Vehicle Cables from 10 mm² for Battery Connections: For connecting your camper’s batteries, you need a larger wire cross-section. FLY vehicle cables starting from 10 mm² provide the necessary strength and reliability to ensure a consistent flow of power.

Why the Right Wire Cross-Section Matters:

Choosing the correct wire cross-section is crucial to ensure your camper’s power supply functions smoothly. Using the wrong cross-section can lead to various issues:

Too Large Wire Cross-Section:

  • Weight and Space: Bigger cables have a larger diameter and are heavier, adding unnecessary weight and taking up space.
  • Cost: Thicker wires are pricier due to the increased material used.
  • Installation: Installing thicker wires can be challenging due to their volume.

Too Small Wire Cross-Section:

  • Overheating: A wire that’s too small can heat up due to resistance during the flow of electricity, posing a fire hazard and damaging the cable.
  • Voltage Drop: Thin wires can cause a significant voltage drop along their length, resulting in inadequate power supply.

Calculating Wire Cross-Section: The wire cross-section in a 12V system is calculated using the following formula:

A(Wire Cross-Section)=(L×2×I)/(k×Ua)


  • A = Wire cross-section in square millimeters (mm²)
  • L = Length of the wire in meters (m)
  • I = Current in Amperes (A)
  • k = Conductivity of copper (57.14 S/m)
  • Ua = Permissible voltage drop (usually limited to 2%, which is 0.24V in a 12V system)

Example Calculation: For a 1-meter wire between the battery and the shunt, where devices with a total power of 600W need to be connected (I = 50A), the required wire cross-section is approximately 7.29 mm².

Here’s a table showing the required wire cross-section (A) in mm² for different currents and cable lengths based on the given formula. This helps you choose the right wires for your specific camper setup without the confusion of technical complexities.

Length of the wire in meters (m) /
Current in Amperes (A)

Setting up your camper’s electrical connections might seem daunting, but with the right steps, it’s easier than you think. Here’s a straightforward guide to prepare and connect your selected wires:

Steps for Wiring Connections:

  1. Trimming the Wire: Use wire cutters to shorten the wire to the desired length.
  2. Stripping the Wire: Carefully remove the insulation at the end of the wire using wire strippers.
  3. Preparing the Connection: Slide an appropriate heat shrink tube onto the vehicle wire before proceeding. Attach the corresponding cable lug to the exposed wire and firmly crimp it using a crimping tool.
  4. Applying the Heat Shrink Tube: Pull the prepared heat shrink tube over the crimped connection. Use a heat gun or a lighter to heat and shrink the tube over the connection. This ensures an airtight and secure joint.

It’s crucial to use heat shrink tubes or another insulation method (such as wrapping multiple layers of electrical tape over the connection) to protect the joint and prevent short circuits. Ensure the cable lug fits snugly and securely to avoid electrical issues in your camper while driving.

Experts typically advise against soldering electrical connections in a vehicle because soldered joints can break or loosen due to vibrations and shocks. Therefore, using cable lugs and heat shrink tubes is a reliable and safe method for connecting wires in a camper conversion.

Curious about finding the right batteries for your camper van? In our next blog post, we’ll explore the best options to power up your camper. Stay tuned!