Your Free Preeview

Let us start to build your dream camper together! You can check out the 360 degree tour of our converted van by clicking the button below.

Chapter 1 - Removing Covers and Creating the “Bare” Framework​

Before You Begin: Explore the benefits of building your own camper instead of buying one. Decide which van to buy and plan your interior layout.

Step 1: Dive into the 360 Degree Environment of Your Exciting Adventure

Step 2: Download Your Shopping List

Step 3: Watch Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 4: Read the story - The Start of Our Camper Conversion Journey

Do You Want More?

Learn to Build Your Dream Camper in 9 Chapters Packed With Everything You Need to Know.

Watch a tour of the course by clicking the video. Get ready and enroll now for only 30€.


Step-by-step process on building your dream camper in the easiest and most affordable way possible.
